Fast Fat Reduction
  More Myths
When it comes to myths, food and sex are the ones that have the most. I think this is because these are two things that we have to do in life. We have to have sex or we don't reproduce. We have to eat or we will die. There isn't much choice when it comes to food. Here we will discuss more of the food myths.

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Our food supply isn't as safe as it used to be. All you need to do is pick up a newspaper and see that for yourself. It seems that somewhere there is always someone getting sick from ecoli or some other food born illness. Are preservatives bad for you? No, they aren't. If anything they are what keeps you from getting sick. If it weren't for these, many more people would get sick and die from the food they eat.

Can coffee cure a hang over?
No it can't. Caffeine can't cure a hang over. You get hung over because you are lacking water. The alcohol took a big chunk of the water from your system. Caffeine actually makes you urinate. So really it has the opposite effect.

Is it okay to eat fast?
The less that you chew your food, that means the more your stomach will have to work to digest your food. You have teeth with many different uses. Some are for cutting and some are for grinding. You should make the most out of them. This is why it is important that you take good care of your teeth.

Do beans cause gas?
Yes they do. They are high in fiber. A lot of things that are high in fiber actually cause gas. Also, things like corn and peppers also cause gas. Soaking beans before you cook them can take away some of the gas, but it won't take all of it.

Do carrots improve your eye sight?
No, they don't. Do do however, make your eyes healthy. That may sound like it contradicts its self, but it doesn't. They don't improve your eyesight, but they do help you maintain your current ability to see.

Can swallowing gum cause stomach problems?
It can cause gas, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. If you are chewing gum that has sorbitol, that could be causing problems too. Oddly enough, this is also found in semen.

Do cherries relieve pain?
The answer is yes. People who eat at least 20 tart cherries a day have a reduction in pain from arthritis.

Does parsley take away bad breath?
Yes it does. So does other green leafy veggies that contain chlorophyll.

Does an apple a day keep the doctor away?
Yes it does. There are many good things about apples. They help reduce the risk of cancer. They also help lower cholesterol. Who says that old sayings aren't true?

As will all things, take myths with a grain of salt. If you are curious about a myth, do some research on it. You will be surprised at how much information you will learn.

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  New Snack Ideas
It might be hard for some people to believe, but snacking is actually good for us. Doctors tend to recommend that we snack during the day. Snacking gives us that boost of energy that we need. The problem is, most people snack with the wrong types of food. They will snack with potato chips or with candy. While that is okay from time to time, I wouldn't make a big habit out of it.

I would like to think that the best approach to the bad things is this. Eat them one day of the week. Have the chips on Saturday while you are watching the game. You will enjoy them more during the game than you would at your desk. So, what should you eat for a snack? Don't run to the burger joints or to the vending machine at work. Neither of those places have what you are looking for. First I would suggest that you take a look at what your over all diet is. More importantly, how much coffee you are drinking. If you are drinking too much coffee, I would suggest that you cut back and start to eat more fruit.

I would never suggest to you that you eat the energy bars that they sell in the health food store. I think if you are snacking during work or at home, you don't need such a thing. Maybe if you are hitting the gym, but if you are hitting the keyboard at work, there is no need for them. All you are doing is wasting your money. This is what I do. I cut up a variety of veggies and put them in plastic sandwich bags. I might cut up celery, bell pepper, carrots, and so forth. Anything that you will eat is okay to put in your snack pouches. That is what I call them, my snack pouches. I also keep a salt shaker in my desk. I find that I am more likely to eat the veggies if I put a little salt on them. Try it, you will be amazed at how good they taste.

I try to keep some whole fruit on hand. What I mean by whole fruit is.... Things such as peaches and apples. I don't keep any canned fruit at work. Sometimes I will get those fruit cups and put those in my desk. If you do that, make sure that you get the ones without the sugar added. By nature I am a tight wad. So I don't buy the fruit cups very often. I find that I can make the same thing for much less money. What I will do is make my own fruit cocktail.

Here is how I do it.
I take a few peaches and slice them. I take a handful of grapes and put them in. I don't chop them up, but I do wash them. Then I cut up a few pears and throw them in. Then I peal and slice some banana. I might throw in some kiwi or some apples. You can add whatever you like. I didn't give exact measurements because you should put how ever much in as you like. Don't like bananas? Don't put any in yours!
If you have ever eaten the stuff in the stores, you know that there is a little fluid in the can. Some times this is heavy syrup. Basically that is water and sugar. I am sure we all have seen this before. I find that when I eat my own fruit cocktail I miss that liquid. What I do instead is, I add some orange juice to my fruit cocktail. This gives me the wetness that I crave without having to add a bunch of calories by adding sugar. Try it, you will be amazed.

Yogurt can also be a great snack to get you through the day. Try to get the low fat variety. Make sure not to get the ones with the fruit on the bottom. Sometimes they add sugar and that is calories you don't need. Get plain yogurt or get the vanilla kind. You can throw in what ever fruit that you like. I like strawberries in mine. I would suggest that you think about getting a food dehydrator. You can use these for all kinds of things. The nice thing is, you can dry fruit in them. I love to take a bunch of dried fruit and throw it into my desk. It won't spoil for a long time. Your coworkers will make sure that it isn't around long enough to spoil. They will keep asking you for some every time they see you.

Another little treat that I like to do is bring some whole wheat crackers along with me. Make sure you get the ones that aren't loaded with fat. Some of the snack crackers are. I drink a little orange juice with my whole wheat crackers. That is one of my favorite snacks.

Snacking is not a bad thing. I recommend that all of you snack. Make sure though, that when you snack, you are eating healthy. You will notice the difference in no time.

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  Out The Fat
Most of us are looking for easy ways to loose weight. Well, here today we will talk about how to do just that. It might not be as hard as you might think. We all have friends who pack on the double patty burgers with two extra large fries each day. After they swallow this, they will go onto eating a whole bag of candy and wash it down with a half gallon of milk. Sound like some of your college buddies? Through out the day, we get thirsty. All living creatures do. What do you turn for most often? Sodas, we all do it. Why? Because they are easy to get and they taste good. Who can turn down a sweet drink after a jog in the sun? Well, you shouldn't be doing that. There is two reasons why. One is because it is wasted calories. You don't get anything back from the soda. You might get some pep from the caffeine, but that is about it. You might get a slight sugar rush, but it won't be anything that last. The second reason is, because we are slightly hungry. We aren't hungry enough to go get something to eat, but a drink will satisfy us enough to our next meal.

Instead of drinking sodas all day long, drink juice. More specifically, juice with the pulp in it. I know what you are thinking. There is more of a purpose to this than moving your bowels. We all have had a bit of a problem in the bathroom department and have ran for the juice with the pulp in it. Juice with the pulp in it will fill you up. Unlike sodas, there is something actually there to curb your hunger. You will drink less because you will get full. Try it, you will be surprised.

Always stick to wheat bread. Don't eat the white stuff. Whole wheat products are known to stabilize blood sugar levels. This mean you won't get hungry as fast. This is an easy way to curb your hunger.

Here are some tips you can use when making sandwiches.

Avoid cheese
We put way to much cheese on everything these days. I won't be surprised if some day they make a cheese covered soda can. This is a heart attack waiting to happen. There is no reason to eat this much cheese. One of the ways you can cut down on the amount of cheese you eat is by shredding the cheese. Use the shredded cheese instead of cheese slices. You can cover the same amount of area, with less cheese. You can also do this on salads as well.

Cut down on the mayo
I would suggest that you cut this completely out. I know some guys who put so much mayo on their sandwiches, I can't see how they eat them. I can't see how they can taste anything but the mayo. A good suggestion to do it, sprinkle a little of Italian dressing on the sandwich. Just enough so you can taste it. This will really cut down on the fat. Also, if you make your own, you can control how much oil is in the dressing.

Cut down on bread
If you are going out to eat and the waiter drops a bread basket on the table, push it away. Don't eat the bread. The more carbs you can get away from the better. Cut out the silly snacks. Don't fill up on potato chips between meals. Instead grab an apple or some veggie sticks. You will be amazed at how good they are once you give them a chance. I love green peppers sprinkled with a little salt. I will take these any day over potato chips.

Stay away from fatty cuts of meat
Don't go to the store and buy the most fatty cuts of pork you can get. Take it home and trim the fat off of it if you have to. There are tons of ways you can cook lean meat so that it isn't dry. That is why most people like the fat in the meat, it adds juice. Also with spices, you can fix the problem of not having the flavor that fat adds.

Stay away from too much dairy
No need to get full of ice cream that is full of fat. Instead if you must consume it, go for the low fat versions. Try to get flavors with a lot of fruit in them or add your own fruit. You won't notice the missing fat if you add some flavor to it. Avoid frying stuff. Learn how to bake, broil and steam your foods. You will be surprised at how much fat frying adds to the dish. Sure it tastes better, but it won't help your waist any.

There you have it. Those don't sound too hard do they? I'm sure after you repeat them after awhile, they will get easy to do.

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  Planning Your Diet
We have plans for everything these days. That is how we can fit 100 different things into each day. While to an extent this seems a bit over doing it, some things do need to be planned. I don't know why we don't plan our diets. I mean, we plan everything else. Some people even plan on when they will have sex. Hence, the birth of hump day. Why not spend a few minutes and plan out what you will eat? If you are reading this, you have the time so. So sit back and follow these seven easy steps. Don't blink, if you do it will be over. It is really that simple.

1. Mini meals are great.
They tell people with certain disease that they should eat several small meals each day. They say that a person should eat something every two hours. Well, that isn't too impossible to do. I would suggest that you start out every four hours. Keep it like you normally would any of your other meals. Make sure you have your protein and your fiber. Have some veggies and some fruit to balance everything out. Don't make your mini meal a bucket of fried chicken. I know that since it is a mini meal, the temptation doesn't seem as great. I mean, if you only slip up in a mini meal, who is watching?
These are a great way to avoid hunger and improper snacking throughout the day. Just make your mini meals up and eat them every time that you have planned. If you plan on eating every two hours, every two hours it is. It doesn't take a road map to figure this out.

2. Don't go over board.
This is easier said than done. You need to have a specific amount that you are trying to reduce. If you are trying to reduce your meals by 10%, then you should stick to that. I'm not suggesting that you break out the calculator and count up every meal that you have. If you have been on a diet for very long, you already have a good idea how many calories things have. Don't eat with your eyes, eat with your mind. That will help you cut down on the amount of food that you eat.

3. Eat good tasting food.
From time to time let yourself go. Eat something that you know you shouldn't. If you get it out of your system, it will be easier to maintain your diet. If on the other hand you don't allow yourself to eat things you shouldn't from time to time, all you will do is hurt yourself in the long run. You are going to nibble each day on those things instead of just eating them occasionally.

4. Eat your calories, don't drink them.
Don't fill up on sodas and other drinks. You can get all your calories for one day in these if you do it too much. A few sodas here. A few cups of hot chocolate there. A few beers here. You get the point. That will put on the pounds easily.

5. Exercise.
You need to do this to keep fit. Not only will it keep you fit, but it will keep you mentally sharp as well. That can go a long way in helping you stick to a diet. If you are depressed, chances are you will end up eating fatty foods that will make you fat. When you consume all of that fat, it will make you more depressed. It is a bad cycle to start.

6. Make your meals last.
Chew your damn food son! I bet you heard that one as a kid. Well, it is true. Don't swallow your food. Instead, eat it slowly and enjoy the taste of it. If you do this, it will make you feel like you have actually eaten something. If you swallow it down, you won't get the same benefit. You will continue to feel a void.

7. Discover your food triggers.
We all have these. When was the last time you went grocery shopping and you looked at a bag of cookies and realized that you had to have them? I do this sort of thing all the time. You need to understand what foods trigger your response system. If you can do this, you can avoid situations that will make you eat things that you shouldn't eat.

Well, that wasn't so bad was it? There is no need to flip out when it comes to a diet plan. It is simple and easy. Just like anything in life, you should have a plan before you begin to do whatever it is that you are doing. The same is true with your diet.

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  Power Drinks
We all see ads for power drinks and energy bars. How many times have you seen a coach get some Gatorade poured over his head? I've seen it so many times it makes me sick. I don't even watch football that often! So, should you consume such things? It depends on who you are really. That is what will tell you the answer. The types of things that you like to do. Are you the average Joe? You want to eat healthy so you feel great and look great. You don't work out often or at all. You go on walks at night time with your woman. Some of that might be for the exercise and some of it might be so you have an excuse to get in the shower with her when you get home. Do you need power drinks and energy bars? No. I'm not sure if that is surprising or not. I used to work at a gas station many years ago. I used to see people getting these drinks all the time. Most of them were fat guys who were also getting a hot dog to eat while they nuke their hamburger. We all know about some of those second rate food items at the gas station.

I'd say that 95% percent of people buying these drinks were men who were overweight. I'm not sure why that is really. I think it has something to do with them seeing sports stars drink it on television. Certainly, they aren't drinking it to lose weight or to be more active. I'd say the same is true if you want to eat the energy bars. I mean, if you aren't going to use them for energy to work out with, it is all a waste. You should spend the money on more important things.

Why do fat guys eat this stuff? Ahhh, the power of marketing. I really think that is all that it boils down to. They respond to the marketing that they see. They see people that they look up to eating and drinking these things, so they feel if they consume them they will be just like their favorite sports hero. Now, if on the other hand you do work out, these can be a great tool for you use. Did you know that you shouldn't eat for up to two hours before you work out? Did you know that it takes at least 30 minutes to one hour for a snack to digest? This is where the energy bars come in handy. They are something small that your body can digest and you won't even notice your body doing any of the work. Eat one an hour before you go into the gym. You will notice how you don't get hungry while you are working out.

For about every half hour you plan on working out, drink about 16 oz of sports drink. That is a good rule of thumb. It takes about 40 minutes to absorb this, so drink it before you work out. If you are the average Joe who doesn't work out but use these for energy, let me tell you something. You are wasting your money. That is all that you are doing. You aren't getting any real benefit from these things. Sure you might be getting some energy here and there, but it is all a waste of money. You can gain the same amount of energy with a good diet. Take all of that money you are spending on this stuff and put it to good use. Save it up for a month and take your woman out to eat or some place fun. You will get more out of it that way than if you spent it on this junk.

Why am I talking about these things in such a negative manner? Because I hate to see people fall to the hype of marketing. That is why. You don't need this stuff. You need this stuff as much as you need a star named after you. Did you know that you can name a star after yourself for 40 dollars? You will never get to go there or even get a piece of the rock that makes it, but you can have it named after you. It is all a waste of money. Give that money to some charity that feeds the needy. They need the food more than you need an energy bar. I mean, why do you really need the energy anyway? Because you have filled up on sweets and burnt yourself out?
Instead you should focus on a healthy diet. That includes snacks of fresh fruit and veggies. That will give you energy and won't rob your wallet. Make sure that you are eating right and you are getting enough rest at night.

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  Spicy Foods
Ah, spicy food. Is there anything better than a spicy meal, especially when it's homemade? There is no one around to tell you that it's too hot, no overly-cautious cook afraid to add too much piquant, and no one to watch as you sweat bullets and gulp down your molten concoction just the way you like it. But can spicy food damage our sense of taste? When do we know we've had too much of it? And do quesosakatenango chili peppers really cause hallucinations that send you on a quest to find your soul-mate (for all The Simpsons fans)?One can experience stomach problems and other conditions if a meal is a bit too zesty. Furthermore, constantly eating hot food can have permanent negative effects on the body. Here's what you need to know about the negative impact spicy food can have. Now that you know which foods can cause you harm, here is why they shouldn't be overused.

Geographic tongue
Eating potent things can cause a condition known as geographic tongue (genign migratory glossitis). It is believed that geographic tongue is caused by an allergic reaction to certain comestibles. Whether or not it's caused by allergies isn't clear, but spicy food is usually the culprit. The condition appears quite rapidly and produces irritation by forming strange patterns on the tongue. After an onset, one can have a weakened sense of taste for up to one month. It disappears with time and isn't dangerous, but it can be quite irritating.

An overabundance of spicy food can cause Gastritis. Gastritis is an inflammation in the stomach lining. It is usually triggered by infections, but spicy foods like chili peppers are also believed to reduce the stomach's protective barrier. Chronic gastritis can produce ulcers by allowing the stomach's own acids to eat away at the lining. Ulcers can heal with time, just like any other lesion, but one must eat milder meals.

Acid reflux

In some people, spicy food can trigger acid reflux disease, which isn't bad per se, but it can be bothersome. Restaurant cuisine often seems to elicit this condition -- all that burping men experience after a nice Italian meal at their favorite bistro isn't a result of bad manners, it's the body not being able to handle all that strange, spicy cuisine.
Chronic acid reflux disease can also lead to esophageal cancer, but only in rare cases. Cutting down on peppery cooking is a good first step to reducing this risk. Acid reflux, especially at night, can also erode teeth.

Bad breath
Garlic and onions are among the worst-smelling things a guy can eat, and they also happen to cause bad breath. Granted, bad breath isn't much of a nuisance, but it can sometimes spell disaster, especially on a nice first date. So avoid spicy cuisine on those nights.

Here's one most men probably didn't know: spicy food is bad for sleep. The cause is quite simple. The body needs to slow down before it can snooze and spicy food raises body temperature (that's why we sweat after a consuming fiery food). If one happens to consume something zesty before going to bed, it can disrupt slumber. The first cycle of sleep is particularly sensitive to hot food. Damage to taste buds Finally, constantly eating hot food can permanently reduce the sensation of taste. I often hear people assure others that they will get used to the burning of chili peppers. It's true, people do feel less scorching after years of spicy abuse, but not because the body got "used" to the sensation in question.
Over time, taste buds wear out, making this reduced sensation nothing more than wear and tear of chronic abuse. It's no different from people getting "used" to loud music in clubs in both cases the body suffers permanent deterioration.

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  Too Many Calories
How many calories do you need? Well, that depends on a lot of things. Your age, sex, type of work, physical activity, all come into play. There is no one answer for this type of thing. I have to warn you, I don't believe the general ideas on how many calories a person should have. If you have a 2,000 calorie diet, you are starving yourself. I know that some people live and die by this number, but I just throw it to the wind.

WHy don't I pay attention to a number such as 2,000? Only because it is stupid. Yes, you heard me right, stupid.How is a person who is very active going to live off of 2,000 calories? I mean, you would end up looking like those dying skinny kids in the 3rd world countries. I think you get the drift though. I think those numbers are put in place by people who are so focused on health, that they are blinded by it. I mean, if you have 3,000 calories in one day, it won't kill you. Though, they might want to make you believe that it will.

I'm not saying that you should throw all of this stuff to the wind. That would be foolish. What I am saying is, you should take it with a grain of salt. There is no reason why you should get bent out of shape if you go a few hundred or even a thousand over this limit. I mean, if you are going over by 5,000 then you should be worried. Some people do need to be concerned with such a thing. For example, people who are on a diet because of heart problems. You should be very focused on your diet. Also people with sugar problems would fall into this category as well.

If you don't have some sort of health problem, I wouldn't get too bent out of shape. Though, if you are eating from the drive through lane every day, then you might have a problem. What am I saying? Use common sense. Understand where your calories are coming from. If you are eating 3,500 calories and they are mostly from things that are good for you, don't go hard on yourself. If on the other hand if it is all from candy and deep fried foods, I would be concerned.

You should be more concerned about where the calories are coming from. Ahhh, now I think you see what I mean. If you are eating 1,500 calories alone of fruits and veggies, that is better than eating that in fat. Isn't it all the same? Not really. I would say that it isn't the same. I know that some of you will argue with that. It isn't the same because the calories are coming from a good source. They are coming from things that are good for you. The fruits and veggies will help you out in many ways. They will also help you fight off cancer and heart disease. This isn't true if you are over eating on fats and sweets.

What to do? Well, all I know is what I have stated above. If you are eating over 2,000 calories and you are eating things that are good for you, I wouldn't be too concerned. As always, you should talk to your doctor. That is the best advice I can give you. You should always talk to him before you go and do something new. You might have a health condition that will require you to go on a diet that he tells you to go on.

If you are healthy, base most of your diet on raw fruits and veggies. That is where the action is. That is where you will get the most bang for your calorie. Happy eating.

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