Fast Fat Reduction
  For the guys: Can Diet Affect Penis Size?
Food is many things. It’s your daily supply of nutrients that keeps you going. It’s your daily pleasure if you can afford fine meals every day. And it’s also your biggest help in keeping your body healthy and fit. Without the right substances entering your body through food, you will suffer from the various diseases associated with malnutrition.

And I’m willing to bet you had no idea that food can also influence the size of your penis. Not many people are aware of the extensive influence certain things have on our bodies. For instance, the pants your wear can hinder spermatogenesis (the production of sperm by the testes) by being too tight. Everyone wants to look good, but it’s silly to sacrifice your sperm for a pair of tight jeans.

The main thing to look for in food is for those ingredients that will keep your blood flowing. The substances contained in these foods are called vasodilators and they work by relaxing the smooth muscles making up the walls of blood vessels. Examples of such food are salmon, tuna, eggs, milk, liver and vegetables like broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes and tomatoes.

While these foods have no readily detectable influence on the size of your penis, their presence in your diet helps promote the blood flow that is the key to erection. If your circulatory system is in perfect shape and if the blood vessels are allowing more blood to pass through the penis, then your erection is bound to be bigger than usual.

For tips on healthy eating,visit Fast Fat Reduction
  BreakFast Ideas
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I'm sure that you heard that all the time when you was a kid. But, it is true. Breakfast is one of those meals that people today tend to skip. I really don't understand this. Maybe this is why people are so uptight in the morning. They have the shakes from not eating. You might have a busy lifestyle, but you need to make sure that you have time for breakfast. Breakfast is one of those meals that you must eat. I don't think there is any choice about it. I know that most people who do eat breakfast, tend to be the type that run out of the house with a donut in their hand. This really isn't a good idea. I don't know why people jump to the sugary breakfast foods. I guess it is why people drink coffee. They need that bolt of energy to wake them up. Or they think that maybe they can avoid eating a good meal by eating something full of sugar. After all, they feel energetic after eating a bunch of sugar.

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to wake up at work? Have you noticed how during the day you get tired? This is because you aren't getting the right foods for breakfast. You don't realize how important this meal is. Every day you should have a good meal for breakfast?

What are some good things to eat for breakfast? First, let's start off with what you shouldn't eat.

Don't eat donuts. For the reasons we spoke above.

Don't eat any cereals that are loaded with sugar. This is nothing more than empty calories. They don't offer you anything. Not only that, but too much of this and you will gain weight. Have you ever noticed how sluggish you feel before lunch? This is because you are eating too much sugar!

Don't eat a ton of fried foods. Don't eat a bunch of bacon, fried eggs, and some french toast. The added fat will weigh you down.

Don't eat those pasties that come in the boxes. These are loaded with sugar. They don't offer you anything that is actually good for you. They rob you of all the things that you should be eating.

Don't load up on coffee. Don't think because coffee can give you energy, that you can drink it instead of eating.

Now, what you should be eating.
Eat a cereal that is low in sugar. Cereal with milk is a great breakfast. It is a good all around meal.

Try a new egg sandwich. People seem to love the egg sandwiches at fast food restaurants. Why not make one at home? You can put some cheese or some lean ham on yours. Use your imagination, these are fun to make.

Eggs are good for breakfast. I'm not going to go through the whole mess about how they say eggs are bad for you. Don't buy it. Eat them, but eat them in moderation.

Pancakes. These can be great from time to time. Try to get yourself one of those griddles that you don't need to add fat too. If you get one of those, you will be able to eat these more often. To cut down on calories. Instead of using butter and syrup, put fresh fruit on yours. I love eating mine with fresh fruit on top of them.

Juice is great for breakfast. Get that pick me up that you need without the caffeine of morning coffee. You don't have to worry about getting the shakes if you drink too much juice. Though, you might get the shits, but not the shakes.

Old fashioned toast. This is still a great thing to eat. Just don't load it up with too much butter or other things.

Oatmeal. I know that most of you probably hated oatmeal when you were a kid. But, this is some great stuff. Add some milk and a bit of sugar and you have a breakfast that will stick to your ribs.

Fruit salad can be great for breakfast. I love things that taste refreshing that don't take all day long to make. Throw your favorite fruits together and call it a meal! There you go. A good breakfast isn't as hard as you might think that it is. All you have to do is stay away from the drive through window and you will be fine. Also, don't eat those pasties in a box. They are nothing but junk food.

Fast Fat Reduction
  Burn Fat
In general, people will practice cardiovascular activities and forget about weight bearing exercises when it comes to burning fat. Many trainers will say that aerobic exercises burn off fat and weightlifting is only used to build muscle bulk. This statement is not entirely correct because the more muscle mass one acquires through weight bearing exercises, the more he will burn fat calories...even at rest. We see a growing trend from cardiovascular training towards weight and strength training.

According to a study by the Fitness Products Council and Sporting Goods Manufacturers, the number of people lifting free weights has increased 76 percent in the past decade. Right now, weight lifting is among the most popular sports in North America. This change is for the best because cardiovascular activity combined with weight training will result in much more effective fat loss. Cardiovascular exercises will raise muscle metabolism during the activity and for a short time after the exercise session. Weight lifting exercises, on the other hand, will raise your muscle metabolism during the exercise session, and for a long time after the exercise session. Some high intensity trainers have even seen their metabolism rise for several days following their training session.

Performing adequate weight training exercises should limit your repetitions anywhere from 1 to 20 (more or less). Such resistance on muscles will make their tissue leaner and stronger. The muscle development will take place during the rest period following the resistance training. Therefore sufficient rest periods are essential. Whether your goal is to tone or build muscles, it is important to know what happens during the muscle training process. When lifting weights, muscle tissues are torn apart (at the microscopic level) from the stress, and it's in the recuperation period that your muscles become stronger and therefore able to support the extra stress. Usually the recuperation period required is 24 to 48 hours after the weight lifting activity.

During the recuperation period, the muscle metabolism is still burning energy, and that's when it's time to perform cardiovascular activities. Carrying out high repetitions of the same movement will tire the body on a different basis. Combining low repetition exercises (weight lifting) with high repetition cardiovascular exercise will stress muscles in a complementary way to increase the total fat burning effect.

Anybody who debates the fact that weight bearing exercises don't help people lose weight and fat should lift weights for one hour and see their heart rate go through the roof. Simply look at athletes who specialize in short, intense bursts of energy and you still see that they are very low in body fat. The point is to combine a weight lifting routine with a good cardiovascular workout to increase muscle metabolism and total fat burning ratio.

An important factor to consider when trying to lose weight is that lots of muscle mass can be lost as a result. As muscle mass will keep your metabolism high, try to avoid quick weight loss through miracle diets or starvation. This weight loss will be regained just as quickly. Instead, opt for a gradual fat loss routine by combining weight training and cardiovascular activities, and allow muscle mass to build up and increase your metabolism. Results may take a little longer , but they will last for a longer period of time.

Fast Fat Reduction
If you are like me, this is a weakness of yours too. I digest way too much caffeine each day. I probably have at least six or more servings each day. More than I should consume in several days. I drink too much cola. That is my problem. Not only is it loaded with sugar, it has caffeine in it too. A cup of coffee in the morning to get you going isn't going to hurt. It can help you wake up and be more alert. It can help jump start your day into something worthwhile. Instead of feeling sleepy and tired. Though, if you drink too much caffeine, you can have the opposite effect that you are looking for. It can drain all of your energy and make you feel very tired. It can also cause you to have problems sleeping. This can be a very big problem.
You may not think of it as a problem, but it is. Caffeine is addictive. Yes, you can get hooked to it. I'm not saying that you will be like a crack head if you don't get a cup of coffee. But anyone who is addicted to caffeine knows how it feels to get the shakes when you don't have any in your system. This is the addictive qualities of it. You are shaking because you are going through withdraw. Your body is craving it and letting you know.

Caffeine is a great pick me up. From that morning cup of Joe to the extra pep it gives you in your energy drink, it can be very helpful. The key thing is, you must use it right. You can't over due it. Caffeine can have very bad side effects if not used properly. Studies show that drivers who think they can substitute caffeine for sleep are a risk to everyone on the road. Your reaction times are slower and that may cause you to have an accident.

The key thing is to understand the use of caffeine and how to use it right. If you are a bit tired in the evening, a cup of coffee is a great way to give you a little pep. If you are going to be using something dangerous like a chain saw, you should wait until you are fully alert to operate it. Don't think coffee will make you alert enough to be able to run it safely. So, you are tired at work. You need a little pick me up, but don't want to use caffeine. Well, there are some things that you can do to help you out.

Avoid foods high in sugar. Don't run for a candy bar when you are feeling sluggish. Don't drink sodas with your lunch. This will give you a burst of energy, but it will make you tired when the energy is gone. I would suggest to you that you keep some fruit on hand for when you are feeling sluggish. Keep an apple in your desk or some other fruit that you can easily eat and not have to prepare. You can also try pears, peaches, or oranges. You do have to peel an orange, so that might not be the best solution for you if you need a pick me up right away.

Drinking juice is another great way to get that pep you are looking for. You should consider buying a juicer. They aren't too expensive and the benefits of fresh juice are well worth the money. Also, you can make different kinds of juices. You can make an apple and pear drink. There is no end to the kind of drinks you can make. Also, you don't have to worry about what is in them. You make it, you know it is 100% juice.

A serving of juice will help you regain your strength. It will give you the energy you need to get through the day. You might also want to drink juice with your lunch. If you do this instead of drinking sodas, you won't get burnt out as fast. Energy bars are a great thing if you have them on hand. Don't get ones that are full of sugar or honey. That will give you a burnt out feeling. Instead, go with something that is good for you. I have seen some chocolate covered energy bars, don't get this. Run like hell from these bars. It is a expensive candy bar.

Of course, you can always take a nap. This is a great way of increasing your energy. Though, it is not always possible to do. You also should avoid a high fat diet. If you eat too much fat, it will drain you. It will also make you depressed. When you are depressed, you won't have the energy that you should have.

The important thing is this in regards to caffeine. Have a cup of coffee from time to time if you are feeling a little tired. Don't let it replace sleep. Don't think that you can function the same on caffeine as you can fully rested. Don't think that because you had two cups of coffee that it is safe to drive your car even if you are drop dead tired.

Fast Fat Reduction
  Dieting Myths Revealed
Are you tired of spending tremendous amounts of time and energy on something that doesn’t even work? The truth is no miracle pill or gadget will suddenly cut your body fat by huge amounts. Instead, concentrate on adapting a healthy lifestyle and avoiding old wives’ tales when trying to stay lean. FALSE. It’s true that eating nutritious foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and skim milk may provide more fill with less calories, but low in fat does not necessarily mean low in calories. Many desserts such as non-fat ice cream and other low in fat desserts contain great quantities of calories. Also, foods that are high in carbohydrates such as bread and pasta can also attribute to weight-gain when eaten in large amounts.

1. Cutting fat from your diet will ensure weight-loss.
FALSE. It’s true that eating nutritious foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and skim milk may provide more fill with less calories, but low in fat does not necessarily mean low in calories. Many desserts such as non-fat ice cream and other low in fat desserts contain great quantities of calories. Also, foods that are high in carbohydrates such as bread and pasta can also attribute to weight-gain when eaten in large amounts. It is important to consider portion size as well as calorie content when attempting to lose weight.

2. Extra protein will promote muscle growth.
FALSE. Although proteins are important in the building and maintaining of muscles, excess amounts of proteins are stored as fat, just as excess carbohydrates or fats are. Basically, any calorie-containing nutrient will be stored as fatty deposits if too much is eaten. In order to build muscles, strength training and sufficient amounts of calories and proteins are the best method.

3. Walking is a great way to lose weight.
TRUE. Like any other physical activity, walking burns calories and can help weight loss. The best way is to take a brisk walk (rather than a stroll), and the longer the walk, the more calories you lose. Every mile of walking burns approximately 100 calories. About 5 miles of walking every day will amount to the loss of one pound in a week.

4. Diet drugs are effective for weight-loss.
FALSE. Certain diet drugs that have been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for those who are medically significantly obese, which is defined as those who are over 30% over a healthy weight or those who have obesity-related diseases such as high blood pressure or diabetes. These drugs often work by affecting the brain chemicals which control appetite, or block fat from being absorbed by the body. Diet drugs should only be used in conjunction with an attempt to change eating and lifestyle behaviors.

5. You can eat eggs without getting fat.
TRUE. Research proves that the major dietary culprit is high saturated-fat intake. Since eggs are low in saturated fat as well as in calories (approximately 75 calories if hard-boiled) they are not as unhealthy as some may think. They also contain many various essential nutrients. The American Heart Association recommend one egg per day. However, the key to a good diet is to eat a variety of healthy foods and to use light oil rather than butter or margarine when cooking eggs.
Adopting a healthy lifestyle is an important first step in dieting. Keep in mind the following tips, and you’ll be on the right track to healthy and effective weight loss. Start first by getting rid of all the junk food in your place, and replace them with more nutritious snacks such as fruits, vegetables and nuts. Then make sure to increase your level of activity each day. For example, you can park your car at the end of the lot and walk an extra hundred meters to the entrance of the mall. Or take the stairs instead of the escalator. Small steps such as these will add up to pounds shed.

Quit smoking, gambling, binge drinking, and any other addictive behavior. Then start following a meal plan for the whole week and stick to it. Include some of your favorites in your meals such as pasta and steak, but keep a watchful eye on the portions. And most importantly, drink plenty of water each day. This helps to regulate your metabolism and strengthens your immune system, in addition to satisfying your appetite. When you drink more water, you will feel less hungry. These steps may seem tedious at first, but maintaining routines such as the ones above will be integrated into your daily life in no time.

Fast Fat Reduction
  Fast Food
Fast food. Wheither it is tacos or burgers, we all love it just the same. Fast food has become a way of life for some people. They eat it three meals a day. There is no difference between a Big Mac and a steak to some people these days. When I was growing up as a kid, I hardly ever ate any fast food. To be honest we were too poor to eat fast food. Sometimes I think that was a blessing. I mean, sure I love a bucket of fried chicken like the rest of you, but there is more to eating than fast food. We have come too dependant on ready serve meals. I don't care if they are fast food or a meal in a frozen box. There should be no need for it, but I can see why it is appealing to many people. I have to admit, I have ate my fair share of fast food. I used to spend a good amount of time away from the house and it wasn't easy to grab a good meal. Most of us today live a lifestyle like this. For one reason or another, we don't have time to prepare a good meal.

Here we will discuss some things you can get at your local fast food joints that are suprisingly healthy. I'm not going to tell you that they are better for you than a meal that you would cook on your own, but you already know that. If you are ordering a burger, get it without the mayo and the cheese. It might not sound like it, but you will cut a lot of fat out just by doing this. If the sandwich is too dry for you without the mayo, use mustard or ketchup. This will help it slide down easier.
The cheese that is used is the processed garbage loaded with oil and other junk. You think that cheese is made of milk, but not all of it is. Some of it is made from cooking oil. If you love cheese as much as I do, you can tell just by looking at it. Cheese that is made from oil will have a different look. It will look orange and oily. Avoid anything with bacon on it. I find that the bacon in fast food joints is very awful. They really don't cook it, they just put it under lights until it gets hot. Avoid this at all costs. You will save calories and you will be happy you did.
A good rule of thumb is to stay away from sandwiches that are deep fried. You know the ones. The ones that have deep fried fish or chicken in them. The process of frying them in fat like this, makes them worse for your health. I would suggest that you go with chicken any time that you can. Generally chicken items will be lower in fat. Don't get a chicken sandwich loaded with mayo or that has been deep fried. If the only chicken items they have are deep fried, look at the burgers they have you can choose from.

I would also suggest that you substitute french fries for a side salad. I know, what fun is fast food without fries? Well, from time to time they are okay. But, if you make a habit of eating fast food regularly, then you should stay away from them most of the time. Key thing to remember, I said most of the time. If you eat them from time to time, they won't hurt you. But if you are eating so many french fries that you can slick back your hair with the access grease on your hands, you need to cut down a bit on them.

There seems to be a trend of meatless burgers that some fast food joints are carrying. I'm not sure if this is because there is a jump in the percent of people who don't eat meat. That could be, but if you live near a college, that might have something to do with it too. It is a big phase with college kids to be 'animal friendly'. This is of course until they get older and realize how much more tasty meat is compared to tofu.

At any rate, if they have meatless burgers at your local fast food joint, you can try them. Sometimes they will be less in fat than normal burgers. They might take a while to get used to. I can't say that I care much for these. I can't stand how they when you chew them. Just keep in mind just because its meatless, don't mean you can add one the cheese and mayo. Some of these burgers aren't THAT lower in fat. My favorite place to go is Subway. Well, any good sub shop will work just fine. You can load up your sandwich with tasty veggies instead of fatty stuff like mayo. I would still suggest that you go with chicken, though at most of these places you can find turkey as well.

The great thing about Subway is, the fat content and the calories are open for all to see. They advertise it all over their store how much the sandwiches contain. You can load up on all kinds of veggies and not even worry about missing cheese or mayo. One way that you can keep the calories low is by drinking water or diet sodas. Personally I hate diet soda, so I just drink water instead. Ask them if they have any lemon you can squirt into the water. That will give it a crisp taste that you will love and it will keep your mind off of the sodas. Of course you can go with the diet sodas, but to me they are way to sweet.

There you have it. An easy guide to fast food. The next time you go out to the hamburger joint, keep this article in mind.

Fast Fat Reduction
  Fast Lunch Ideas
If you are a working man, you know how important lunch is. You can't function without a good lunch. A good lunch is the difference between feeling great during the afternoon and feeling worn out. Many times we skip on lunch. We don't either eat the right things, or don't eat at all. I know several people who don't eat any lunch at all. Especially women, they think they can skip this meal and not have to worry about it. I'm the type of person who can't skip a meal. Maybe one of the reasons is that I can't turn down a good meal. Though, if I don't eat, I can feel it. Nothing will make you feel like shit quicker than skipping a meal. We all know what it feels like. What do you do? You don't have time to fix a good lunch before you go to work. Or do you? Of course you do. If you are in a relationship, you have more than enough time. One thing I would suggest is that you alternate fixing each others lunch. One day you fix both of your lunches, while the next day have her fix both of them. This will give you time to do the other things that you need to do.

You can also fix your lunch before you go to bed at night. By doing this, you don't have to rush yourself. Which, will make your day that much better. I hate having to rush in the morning. What kinds of things should you fix? Here we will go into some simple things to fix.

Tuna and Bell Pepper Pocket
3 (6-ounce) cans drained, solid white tuna (in water) ½ cup chopped bell peppers ¼ cup chopped celery ¼ cup sliced onions 8-12 lettuce leaves (preferably green) 2 medium-size sliced tomatoes (8-12 slices total) 3 tbsp. fat-free Italian dressing 1 tbsp. dried oregano 1 tbsp. black pepper 4 (6-inch) pita breads Combine tuna, green peppers, celery and onions in a bowl. In another bowl, combine dressing, black pepper and oregano, pour it over the tuna mix and stir. Refrigerate for a few hours. When serving, put 2-3 tomato slices and 2-3 lettuce leaves in each pita bread. Add tuna mix to pitas. There's enough for 4 servings.

I love this. I don't think there is a better easier lunch item than this.
Black Bean Salad ½ (8-ounce) can drained black beans 1 (15-ounce) can drained whole kernel corn 4 chopped green onions ½ chopped green bell pepper 3 diced tomatoes ½ avocado peeled, pitted and diced ½ (2-ounce) jar pimentos 2 tbsp. lemon juice 3 ounces fat-free Italian salad dressing ¼ tsp. garlic salt Combine Italian dressing, black beans, green onions, corn, bell pepper, avocado, pimento, tomatoes, and lemon juice in a bowl. Add and toss pepper, salt and garlic. Store in Tupperware and refrigerate. Offers up three delicious servings for that big appetite of yours.

This is another great one.
Smoked Chicken Sandwich ½ (8-ounce) loaf sourdough bread ¼ tbsp. vinegar 2 tbsp. chopped parsley 1/8 cup low-fat mayonnaise or fat-free salad dressing ¼ cup chopped bell peppers (you can't go wrong with bell peppers) ½ small onion thinly sliced ½ medium sized tomato sliced 8 (1-ounce) slices low-fat mozzarella cheese 2 cloves minced garlic 8 (1-ounce) slices lean chicken 1 tbsp. black pepper Slice the loaf of bread horizontally. Remove some soft bread from inside each half. Stir mayonnaise and vinegar together. Add parsley, bell peppers, black peppers, and garlic to the mix. Let stand for 15 minutes. Layer the bottom of the loaf with 4 slices of chicken and cheese, then layer with half of the onions and half of the tomatoes. Spread half of the mayonnaise concoction and repeat the entire process from the start with the remaining ingredients. Close the sandwich with the second bread shell and chill until it's ready to serve. When serving, cut loaf into 3 wedges (secure loaf with wooden sticks for a better cut). Makes 3 servings. There you have some easy lunch ideas. Try these, you are sure to love them.

Fast Fat Reduction

August 2005 / September 2005 / October 2005 / February 2006 /

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